

General information

An USA adoption procedure is a very special and valuable way to adopt a child, but can also be a very emotional, expensive, and sometimes uncertain process.

The procedure is special, because the adoption triangle clearly manifests itself in USA adoptions: the biological family has a strong voice in the selection process of where the child shall be placed, and they will often continue to play a permanent role in the adoptive family’s life. Valuable, because as an adoptive parent you closely follow and experience the whole adoption procedure, so that you have a lot of information to share with your future adopted child regarding his or her adoption process, background and heritage. Emotional, because of the open character of the adoption procedure before, during, and after the adoption, which requires a high level of sensitivity and understanding regarding the background and living situation of the biological parent(s). Expensive, because the USA is a Western country with western quality standards, western levels of education, and western levels of expenses.  And sometimes uncertain, because it could concern an intended match. This means that the biological mother shall explore the options for her child during her pregnancy, with professional counseling from organizations in the USA. If it turns out that adoption is the best option, she often selects during her pregnancy the family that matches with the background situation and she thinks is the best choice for her child. Sometimes, the biological mother decides before or after the delivery not to go through with the adoption plan. This concerns an emotional and financial risk. However, the financial risk with an intended match of the biological mother deciding against the adoption is clearly defined at the moment of accepting the intended match.

During our orientation sessions and during the intake interview, we discuss all these aspects in detail with you. Please go to our Event Schedule for information regarding our upcoming orientation sessions and events.